BONUS: if you go to Rob's photo website he has at last put up the photos of his African photo safari from last summer which he made with our younger daughter Susan. Susan will be working the conference this weekend with us and has printed up many of her excellent photos to sell to finance her further studies in photography. She also has sent me her photos of our trip to Egypt and Jordan taken last December about which I still plan to write to you.
On to Turkey … departing May 13.
Rob and I took a vow when driving a rental car in Japan a couple of years back that we'd hire a car and driver for countries where we had no language skills at all. We'd also had daunting reports of roads in Turkey . But I can now tell you that driving there is very easy, the bad roads are in the Eastern Turkey area in case you are wanting to see say Van or Erzurum or Mt. Ararat . To drive from Istanbul to Safranbolu, Amasra, Amasya, and via Huttusa down to Cappadocia is in fact easy on excellent roads, peppered not only with excellent service stations for fuel but each of them has wonderful restaurants. One of the best lunches I ever ate was in such a rest center between Safranbolu and Amasya where they actually grilled their own kebap recipe to order in a clever contraption I strolled over to inspect. This allowed me to watch some kind of police or park ranger operation moving down towards the river as men fanned out but I have no clue what they were actually doing. They were armed but friendly, as indeed was everyone. The Turks are among the friendliest hosts we have met.
Rob booked the car service on line. If you are interested he can tell you it's internet address. We were very pleased: the driver had a fancy new Renault, he was a real professional with adequate English but not a tour guide although his skills were especially useful (see below); and given the high cost of internal air flights in Turkey, the week with Taner was hardly more than our return flights from Kayseri (ancient Caesarea) to Istanbul (Taner drove back from Goreme as we stayed on for two days on a tour the hotel organized).
So if you decide on broadening a trip beyond Istanbul and you don't do group travel, we can recommend our experience.
So, Taner met us at Ataturk Airport the morning of our arrival, a Saturday. Turkey has the same weekends we do even if the Muslin holy day is Friday, having been organized in 1923 by Mustafa Kemal, later styled Ataturk (hero of Gallipoli for the Turks, so their George Washington), as a secular state. The just re-elected president and his party veer to Islamic but there is a lot of resistance and in fact the party lost its majority in Parliament.

Taner picked us up Sunday morning and we spent an hour finding our hotel for week two, located over in Sultanahmet or the ancient quarter where the winding roads and dead ends make it a challenge. We dropped off our cruse suitcases and headed out.. He got to practice his (little bit of) English and he turned out to be really useful since he's a mountaineer for fun and he was thus able to spy out routes while climbing into ruins and actually help me climb into the ruins to view the ancient churches in the Ilhara Valley to the southwest of Cappadocia. But that was later.
Our first stop was Safranbolu, a UNESCO world heritage site, an ancient town, once rich and then too poor for urban renovation, and so fascinating to visit. We spent one evening in the hamman, built circa 1650, where I gave the lady who scoured and soaped me a decent tip that put her into tears, a sad comment on other customers. These baths are especially treasured by the Turks from the days of the Silk Roads when Safranbolu was a major stop. Nearby is the restored caravanserai, a combination inn and mini-mall for the camel caravans, which was interesting but nothing as cool as the Hotel Gul Evi (Gul's House, she being the architect/owner's wife) where Rob booked the top floor of the ancient Ottoman wooden house. To view more, click here

The first thing we did on arrival was walk down to the town center, visit the mosque (always travel with a hoodie or scarf, long paints or skirt, and covered shoulders in Turkey or suffer disappointment), and then hit the hammam. It's one of the great experiences, akin to an ancient Roman bath, where you strip down to a plaid wrap they give you (ladies, wear bikini panties, best if nylon), stretch you out on a hot heated marble table, then flood you with cool water, cover you in clouds of suds and loufah you within an inch of your life (like the Romans did with oils and stirgils), flood you again, massage you vigorously, more water, wash your hair. You emerge beyond clean and invigorated. To view the Cinci Hamami (Hamami is plural, meaning usually there is a men's and a women's hammam in one structure), click here. You can't read it but the photos are good
The next day, Taner drove us up to the

On to Amasya, an ancient Ottoman provincial capital which functions as some kind of military center today judging by all the brass in uniforms we encountered (maybe an academy?). Amasya lies in a narrow valley on a river with wonderful tombs up in the rocks, a bit like
It was campaign time, a run up to the June 12 elections. So the place was crawling with vans, like ambulances, but covered in campaign posters and playing Turkish rock and roll to attract attention. Apparently it's the Turkish version of a campaign trail. We discovered also that the mysterious 2023 posted on the posters stands for goals set by the current (and re-elected) president for the country, which is a pretty sneaky way of getting people to vote to keep him in power to meet them, I thought.
And then toCappadocia which is in a huge volcanic plateau and just as weird and fascinating as billed. It is located between two ancient volcanoes which spewed out enough ash and such to leave a landscape that wind and weather can carve. We drove there over mountains traversing one of Turkey 's main ski resort destinations where some meeting was going on that entailed endless security and car caravans, but it was gorgeous. Unfortunately it wiped out our plans to detour over to the ancient Hittite capital which is in ruins but well worth the trouble. When Ramses the Great made a treaty with the Hittite king to settle a sort of Vietnam stalemate sort of war, he sent a giant Egyptian stele or some monument to the city which I wanted to see. So, next time.
And then to

And with Taner one day we drove about 100 KM, stopping at an underground city (seriously, and they took the animals in too when under threat; check the photos for the giant circular rock wheel they rolled across the entry to safeguard the community) and climbed down many levels. Then we scaled some serious peaks to ancient churches. And we had lunch on a balcony right on the river where they baked our choices in clay pots landed them on the table sizzling hot. Excellent beer called Efes (Rob) and a lot of wine (me) everywhere. Our favorite restaurant in the village of Goreme where we stayed is called Local Restaurant. And in one called Alaturka, we had a veal and apricot dish I hope Rob will try to duplicate.
Our hotel was called Anatolian Houses – click here for more -- and is built right into some of the natural caves and hoodoos, you can see various photos of Goreme, one of the towns where you can stay and which we liked the best after we visited several others. So, recommended.
Turkish Air is very good, a fine flight in a big airbus from Keyseri toIstanbul . And we love the hotel here where we have a huge room overlooking Gulhane Park next to Topkapi Palace and turning the other way, all the way to the water so we can see the cruise ships park daily.
Turkish Air is very good, a fine flight in a big airbus from Keyseri to

One full day we rode the ferry a couple of hours to the Princes Islands, now summer homes and resorts, but once a place of exile to rebellious sons of the Sultan – read about them in
Our last full day we took the new ferry service all the way up the Golden Horn to Eyup, the most sacred mosque as it the burial place of a close friend (or relative, not sure which) of the Prophet. Note in the photos a couple of tomb sites, one of a Valide Sultan (the Sultan's mom, and ruler of the harem) in Eminönü and one at Eyup). There a professor (or so he claimed) gave us an interesting lecture on Islam observances and two sets of beads (think rosaries) for a tip. The little boys in their dressy white costumes are celebrating their circumcision days, clearly with no actual idea of how that goes. In Rob's photos of Topkapi there is one of the circumcision room in the palace: it isn't clear but you can see the alcove where the water runs for hygiene).
We then took the famous funicular up Pierre Loti Hill where this 19th Century literary figure built a little café which has an extraordinary range of terraces. It's right a the top of the Golden Horn which superb views all the way back down it. Then we hopped the ferry back to the Rahmi M. Koch Museum , a private collection, very cool, featuring a magnificent display of music boxes and lots of stuff like the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago . One in fact was a small version of La Fenice, Venice 's opera house, complete with stage sets and arias from La Traviata, a ten-minute show. It also has an impressive collections of trains, airplanes, and fabulous cars so we took a folder of photos for Clive Cussler. And yet another superb restaurant right on the water: they brought us wool shawls to wear as it was cool and rainy.
The museum is dedicated to the history of Transport. Visit it by clicking here
That's about it. Sunday we boarded the ship and then made a visit for lunch at the
Rob has enjoyed all the markets today: fish on the Asian side, Spice Market, and the Grand Bazaar which is like a city. He's been bargaining like a pro for everything. Every day it's a new ATM. You can see some photos of the markets including one on the Asian side, plus the Spice Bazaar.
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