Monday, October 22, 2007


Nervously approaching the task of writing this thing...I've decided to just stick to the basics.
The Poisoned Fiction Review will mainly focus on Poisoned Pen's events, author visits, and general Poisoned Pen news. It will also branch out into lit reviews, lit itself, author antics and who knows what else.
My main motive in creating this blog is to get to know the community of readers and writers in the Phoenix area while simultaneously generating something entertaining and worth reading.
Opinions are welcome here, and hopefully they'll soften all the 90 degree corners so prevalent here in the city in which we live. (and love...)
If you're curious about events, signings, authors, or anything at all, contact me. (
We're also on Myspace at and link to many authors who have come into the bookstore.
The same goes for Facebook, which is unfolding as well. Search for us typing "poisoned pen" into the Facebook search engine. We're there...
Lastly, you can find interviews of most visiting authors on YouTube at
For starters, Dave Barry's was interviewed and can be seen in the player below.